Mat and Reformer Certification Course

New Mat & Reformer courses just announced for Sunshine Coast and Brisbane!
Check dates below!

Online Course and Live Workshop Access

Our Mat and Reformer certification course is a balance of online using the Body Organics Learning Platform and in person components . Graduates of the Mat and Reformer certification course will have access to the PAA ( Pilates Alliance Australia)members insurance scheme. Students who complete the online components only can obtain CEC points with various associations including Physical Activity Australia and Exercise & Sports Science Australia but to achieve certification and the use of the name “Pilates instructor” you need to have successfully completed all online and face to face modules and assessments.

This bundle includes access to Mat, Reformer One, Reformer Two, Reformer Three and Reformer Four, and access to each of their respective Live and Face to Face Workshop access passes. We will also include the  Anatomy and Teaching Foundations

The Certification Course Includes

The Body Organics Mat & Reformer Certification is designed to teach you all of the repertoire you need for teaching Mat and Reformer group classes as well as guiding clients with common pathologies and conditions in a safe and effective way to help them towards better movement. You will also be given an introduction to the repertoire of the Pilates Barrel and Arc. After completion you will be able to work in reformer studios, teach group mat classes group reformer classes. This certification forms the foundation of the comprehensive training, and will allow you to understand the repertoire and programming which is then taken a step further with a deeper understanding of pathology, modifications and apparatus in the Comprehensive Certification course.

Our Certification courses focus on teaching you concepts of movements which allows you to understand the repertoire in context and can understand the reasons why and how you teach movement. Once you understand the concept your knowledge and development of the repertoire becomes limitless.

Online and Face to Face Learning

The Body Organics  Mat & Reformer Certification is taught using several different learning modalities, improving your retention of information and makes you more confident as a teacher. All of the learning material for the anatomy, teaching methodology and repertoire is first introduced through online video lessons and then reinforced and expanded on in the face to face workshops. We allow you to layer your knowledge and understanding of concepts, giving you quality resources and support to review and progress your understanding over time. Self mastery and supervised teaching then consolidates the learning. You will also have specialised webinars giving you in depth knowledge in a variety of subjects.

No Prior Learning Required

Most Pilates certifications require you to pay an additional fee for anatomy and physiology courses before starting the course.  With a Body Organics Course, this is included in your certification. The anatomy is first taught through our online learning system and then reinforced and integrated into the repertoire and programming during the face to face modules. It is taught in blocks giving you ample time to digest the material before moving on and building on your acquired knowledge. For more detailed information please email us for your Course Prospectus or give us a call to discuss your unique situation on 0425 760 579.

Course Content

The Body Organics Mat & Reformer Certification is taught online and in person at our Sunshine Coast Location ( Noosa Flow Studios) and our new Brisbane location ( Move Pilates Ascot) with the content divided into three blocks of learning. We have worked to create layers of understanding and knowledge so that you can refer back to your online material throughout your course and use your face to face training to practice what you’ve learnt and really focus on your skills as a teacher. This will allow you insights into movement, repertoire and pathology without being overwhelmed by too much information in one go. You will first receive access to each block’s online course material to go through before the face to face workshops and tutorials which will build on the knowledge acquired through the online learning.

Face to face dates and break down of Mat & Reformer course  below 
Certification (BOECERTMR)

Block One -Mat

 May 24th 2025  &  Jul 5th ( Noosa, Sunshine Coast)

May 18th  &  June 22nd (Ascot, Brisbane)


Block Two -Reformer

 Aug 16th  &  Sep 27th  (Noosa, Sunshine Coast) 

Aug 3rd  &  Sep 14th ( Brisbane, Ascot)

Block Three – Reformer

      Nov 8th  &  Dec 14th ( Noosa, Sunshine Coast)

Oct 26th  &  Dec 7th (Brisbane Ascot)



The above Blocks (1-3) constitute the Mat and Reformer Course. To do the  complete Full Studio Certification Course, you will also have to complete Blocks 4,5 and 6 .